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Employer of Record Services
Trusted by Global Brands

ERA provides Global Employer of Record solutions in over 100 countries. We manage your worldwide contingent workforce compliance, payroll and human resources allowing fast-track global expansion.
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Group 289536
ERA provides Global Employer of Record solutions in over 100 countries. We manage your worldwide contingent workforce compliance, payroll and human resources allowing fast-track global expansion.
Expand your business
Group 289536

What is an Employer Of Record?

An Employer of Record (EOR) is an employment services provider
who stands on your behalf to legally hire workers in multiple countries
and then dispatch personnel to work for you under a service agreement
between the parties.

Our EOR services assist organizations in entering Vietnam quickly and legally
without the time and expense of forming a legal entity. We use our infrastructure
to hire and pay your supported employees/contractors as your legal
Employer of Record.

ERA Employer of Record (EOR)
functions like international human resources teams, legally offering:

What is an Employer Of Record?

An Employer of Record (EOR) is an employment services provider who stands on your behalf to legally hire workers in multiple countries and then dispatch personnel to work for you under a service agreement between the parties.

Our EOR services assist organizations in entering Vietnam quickly and legally
without the time and expense of forming a legal entity. We use our infrastructure to hire and pay your supported employees/contractors as your legal Employer of Record.

ERA Employer of Record (EOR)functions like international human resources teams, legally offering:

How does an
Employer of Record work?

ERA allows companies to legally and efficiently engage with talents in a new state or country without having to own a local entity or risk breaking local employment regulations. An Employer of Record can perform a number of HR and legal functions.
Our EOR services help reduce your time and money when expanding your business into countries.

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Handles payroll, tax withholdings and benefits administration for global workers

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Handles employee benefits and ensures ongoing support for employees

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Handles legal responsibility for the employees, including termination and offboarding

Why Choose ERA Workforce Solutions’ EOR Services??

Our EOR services, including payroll, benefits, taxes, stock options, and compliance, free you to focus on your team.

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Why choose our EOR service?

Our EOR services, including payroll, benefits, taxes, stock options, and compliance, free you to focus on your team.

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Retain Top Talents

Attract and keep the best in the industry with strategic HR management and competitive benefits packages.

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Maintain Trecision

Ensure accuracy in payroll, tax filings, and compliance documentation, minimizing errors and legal issues.

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Up-to-date Records

Ensure accuracy in payroll, tax filings, and compliance documentation, minimizing errors and legal issues.

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Reduce Cost & Save Time

Streamline HR processes to cut down expenses and administrative burdens, allowing focus on core business tasks.

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Enter New Markets

Facilitate smooth entry into new geographical locations with local expertise and compliance assurance.

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Hire During Entity Setup

Enable hiring and workforce management even before company incorporation is complete, speeding up market entry.

We make limits UNLIMITED!

ERA Workforce Solutions, with our extensive 15-year experience in Vietnam and the USA and our full solutions in over 100 countries, is adept at enabling businesses to seamlessly enter these strategic markets. Specializing in navigating HR, benefits, and tax intricacies, we ensure that companies can smoothly transition, access, and flourish in these new environments, fostering growth and development.

Expand you business in the USA market today!Expand you business in the Vietnamese market today!
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Learn more about
ERA’s Employer of Record

What does EOR mean in recruitment?

EOR stands for Employer of Record. It is not simply a staffing agency but an organization that adopts the statutory obligation of recruiting your personnel to reduce the complexity of HR functions, market access, and overseas employee pay.

With an EOR, a company may expand operations into another nation without establishing a local entity, which can be costly and time-consuming. Working with an EOR enables businesses of all sizes to rapidly and affordably employ and pay workers in multiple countries.

What is the difference between an EOR and PEO?

Though some people use the phrases interchangeably, there are key differences between EOR (Employer of Record) and PEO (Professional Employer Organization). An EOR is the legal employer of a company’s distributed workforce, whereas a PEO serves as a co-employer. PEOs primarily perform HR functions for organizations that already have entities. Meanwhile, EORs employ personnel on behalf of their clients without requiring them to set up an entity.

If you do not have an entity in the country where you wish to recruit talent, you need an employer of record rather than a PEO. Assume you’re dealing with a worldwide employment partner who requires you to establish your own entity before employing employees. In that instance, the partner only provides PEO services, not EOR services.

How much does an Employer of Record cost?

Most EOR service providers employ one of two pricing models: percentage pricing and flat fee structures.  While percentage pricing can be highly costly, flat fees are more transparent and affordable.  

Before working with any employer of record who charges a percentage rather than a flat fee, take caution. Global employment expenses might vary.  Fee structures based on a percentage allow businesses to keep employee salaries low while diverting more money to third-party providers.

ERA’s EOR services are paid monthly, zero hidden fees, and zero surprises. Book a meeting to see how affordable growing can be to scale up your global team.

Why use an Employer of Record?

By legitimately employing workers on your behalf, an employer of record saves your business from liability and compliance risks.

In addition, EOR manages the complex HR procedures associated with employing personnel from foreign states.

When entering new international markets, each expansion has its own challenges that necessitate using an experienced team. Expert Resources Alliance, as your global Employer of Record partner, offers the highest level of support for you and your distributed workforce. Our worldwide capabilities in 10 and more countries, exceptional experience, and personalized service enable you to acquire top talent swiftly and legally. 

We provide a comprehensive range of staffing solutions, including Contractor management, Sourcing (Hired) solutions, Payroll outsourcing, Mobility and Relocation services while you focus on leveraging your business.

Reach out to us today.